Registration  - POLIMIRIDE 2024  BIKE RENTAL

Registration Form

  • The registration period to POLIMIRIDE 2024- BIKE RENTAL will end on Thursday, September 26, 2024 12:00h. (GMT+01:00) Rome
Organisation Indications

Questo form non è in alcun modo collegato all'iscrizione alla Gara.

Form dedicato al noleggio di una bicicletta per partecipare alla POLIMIRIDE 2024.

All'interno del form selezionare il mezzo scelto, la misura e procedere al pagamento del noleggio.

La bicicletta sarà disponibile il giorno dell'Evento direttamente al PolimiRide Village a Cremona.


This form is in no way connected to registration for the Race.

Form dedicated to renting a bike to participate in POLIMIRIDE 2024.

Within the form select the chosen vehicle, the size and proceed to pay the rental.

The bike will be available on the day of the event directly at the PolimiRide Village in Cremona.


Registration fee
Team name

= required
Registration data

You never know when you may have an untimely illness, a training injury or any other major unforeseen event that may disrupt your participation in the event.

We offer you the possibility of contracting a cancellation insurance that allows you to recover the amount of the inscription.

The price of the cancellation insurance calculated for your registration is . Please, note that if you do not take it now, you will not be able to do it later.

You can consult the conditions of the insurance here

Administration fee:
Current Registration Price:
Payment summary:
Credit or Debit Card

Credit or Debit Card
(Administration fee included)